30% Off sale until 30 March 2025 on our Flagship Bartender Course

Lesson 1 – Course Introduction

Welcome to the Thirst Bar Academy Online Training Course!

The modules in this course are designed to be self-contained and do not need to be completed sequentially however they are structured in a way that we feel provides a novice bartender with a step-by-step progression through the various aspects of bartending. However if you’re looking to focus on a specific skill area or are following an outlet-based curriculum through your employer, you can skip ahead to the relevant modules.

If at any stage in your course you have questions or would like further support on a topic, you can reach out to your personal course facilitator here.

It is also important to remember that standards, procedures and even recipes do vary from country to country, bar to bar and person to person. The information in this course is what we have found to be best practice – distilled from decades of combined experience across dozens of bars, thousands of events and multiple countries. While you might find slight changes or tweaks to the specifics, the information you’ll cover in these modules will stand you in good stead in any bar in the world. However, we believe there is always room for improvement so if you notice something that you don’t agree with or feel could be better, let us know and we’d be happy to discuss your feedback.

For practical exercises, we provide a list of equipment and ingredients you should be able to find in your bar. If you find yourself in need of certain items however, all requirements are available for online order in South Africa from the Thirst Online Shop